Health at work & self-management

Highly motivated and full of power instead of burnt out

Healthy work with sufficient periods of regeneration is especially difficult as a highly motivated leader and high potential. Especially in complex projects or in change processes it is important, that you or your team maintain a high level of performance in the long term. Use the available resources sensibly and effectively, because your manpower and your creativity are your most important capital.

Recognise, understand, find solutions

In my seminars and coaching sessions, the first step is to identify sources of stress and recurring stressful situations. Overstress has various triggers, whose consequences and connections are often not directly recognizable. By gradually observing the surrounding fields of action and establishing your personal balance of power, you will find a healthy way to deal with stress and conflicts. Your own attitude and motivation, as well as positive communication and clear structures at work, are decisive factors. Create optimal conditions for motivated, effective work and inner balance!

Healthy working and living in balance

From my experience in organisational development, as a leader and from accompanying my clients, I look at things with the basic understanding that work and life often cannot be separated. It is about you as a complete human being – therefore a holistic process is important to me. Through the work in coaching or in seminars, self-care and resilience are strengthened and regenerative competences are promoted.

Healthy cooperation is an important concern for me, which is why I have written a paper together with a colleague on the subject of mental health in the working life and related fields of action.


  • Burnout – what am I dealing with?
  • Limits of strain, stress & physical reactions
  • Own dynamics instead of hamster-wheel: ways to self-control
  • Internal & external factors
  • Healthy changes in feasible steps