Foundation & business concept

Expertise in starting a business

At the beginning you are confronted with many questions and decisions with your business idea: about the legal form, legal regulations and the strategic approach – also with regard to investments and their financing. You know your future range of products in detail and you want to make sure that everything starts well planned. Concentrate on your vision and your concept! I will support you with many years of practical experience in business development and with business management know-how.

Professional concept and good management

You don’t just need an excellent business plan for the bank or potential investors, you develop it for yourself. Even an initially small company needs a realistic plan and structure for successful implementation. After all, you are investing in your job and in the later growth of the company. As a self-employed person I know what is important and how you can manage your business and finances. At the same time I work with you as a coach to highlight your unique selling points for an optimal positioning as a new company.

Coaching for foundation – as subsidised consulting (BPW)

The state of NRW supports consultations on the development, testing and implementation of foundation concepts prior to their realisation. As a listed consultant for the Beratungsprogramm Wirtschaft (BPW), my coaching before foundation is eligible for funding. You can apply for 4 consulting days, which will be subsidised with 50% after approval.

For information on requirements, application and procedure, please also see I will be happy to provide further information directly. The programme is initially limited until 31 December 2020